Internet das Coisas

Machines and brains, turbulent mixing that will change the world

The evolution we are going through will be able to have a turnaround, and we become slaves of our creation.

As Day 4 task of the Blogging101 project: Identifying the audience, I want to take something scary for some and innovative for others. As the title suggests, we are going through a process of revolution, or evolution. Gradually we see more and more through the Internet matters such:

Artificial Intelligence:

Internet of things

These are some examples of what we see through the Internet, here in my blog are gathered some threads especially chosen to reflect and make a decision about what to believe. I do not want you to believe everything that is written here, but think that tomorrow is another day and we need to live one day at a time.

I hope you enjoyed this little fragment of posting, it was only to complete the task Day 4 University of bloggers.

Eder Oelinton

Jornalista, amante de tecnologia e curioso por natureza. Busco informações todos os dias para publicar para os leitores evoluírem cada dia mais. Além de muitas postagens sobre varias editorias!

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7 Comentários

  1. Fantastic post! i love the idea of the internet of things (IoT) but I I can don’t actually want to own any for myself! I can see how in some ways these concepts and technologies could be quite useful in some ways, but I’d like to be able to understand the settings and configurations of these things and not have to rely on trusting developer companies. It’s bad enough with new phones and computers not to be able to find where to make preferred adjustments and how to fully remove functions you don’t want to use. I wish I’d kept my Windows 3.1 computer for a secure offline machine. never mind, Paper and pencil are fairly secure! Love this post 🙂 Happy Blogging 101, have a great weekend 🙂

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